The darkness will not overcome the light.

As I felt the warmth of the running water cross my knuckles and surround my fingertips I began to swirl the thick soap into white, sweet smelling bubbles. I reached for my favorite tea cup beside my kitchen sink and noticed the golden light reflecting on my hand. I looked out my kitchen window and noticed that the little old church across our farm road seemed to have bright lights radiating from its sanctuary. It was so beautiful I quickly dried my hands and grabbed my phone to capture some pictures. I watched the light deepen and change and the shadows begin to draw long deep lines and I was overwhelmed with hope.

There seems to be so much uncertainty in the world these days. So much to cause feelings of fear to arise in the steadiest of hearts but dear one do not be frightened. The dark will not swallow you up. It will not win. Nothing will ever overtake the child of the living and mighty God. Nothing.

I wish you were close enough for me to wrap my arms around you tonight and remind you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that no weapon set against you will prosper. Your soul is safe and you are loved.

The darkness does not win, sweet one.

Can I help you or pray for you? I may not know your precious face, but the Lord has put you on my heart; and tonight, as I dry my tea cup and saucer and the rest of my freshly hand-washed dishes, you are on my mind and in my prayers.

My heart is full.


the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. Matthew 4:1




Comments 8

  1. Your picture is beautiful. It’s wonderful knowing that darkness will not overcome. Something special to remember when things begin to weigh you down

  2. I feel like God sent this message to me through you. Thank you so much for these words. It is something I truly needed to read right now at this exact moment. Blessings and hugs to you!

    1. Post

      Lori, I am incredibly humbled. Love and prayers to you sweet sister and may our loving Father make His presence known and felt in a mighty way in your life. J

  3. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Yes God sheds His light and His love in many blessed ways. There is peace and well-being when you arrive in that quite place of communion with God.

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